NFS 2220: Diet Analysis Assignment

Diet Analysis Assignment

NFS 2220

50 points total

See powerpoint slides on Blackboard for detail description of each step of this assignment.

Step 1: The Three Day Diet Diary (8 points)

For your diet analysis assignment you will need to keep track of everything you consume for three days.  There are many methods of collecting dietary information, but the diet diary is the best method.  The information collected is only helpful if you keep accurate data.  You are graded on the detail you provide, not on the quality of your diet, so do not be hesitant in tracking everything you consume. Keep in mind the full assignment is quite lengthy and will not be an accurate picture of your diet unless you carefully keep track.  You must have 8 different foods each day (not including beverages). If you eat fewer than 8 different foods, do your analysis on a friend or family member with a more varied diet.

Step 2: Compare Your Diet to MyPlate (8 points)

This step of the diet analysis assignment gives you an opportunity to compare your diet to the MyPlate recommendations. MyPlate is a quick and easy way to analyze dietary intake. You will need to use the Choose My Plate website for this section.

Step 3: Estimating Energy and Protein Needs (6 points)

Complete the Energy and Protein Needs Worksheet. There are many ways to estimate energy and protein needs. Use this worksheet to calculate your energy and protein needs using a common equation.

Step 4: Nutrient Reports (10 points)

For this section you will use a free APP called, Cronometer.

You have 2 options for use:

1. Download the Free APP.

2. Register online using:


Step 5: Nutrient Source Worksheet (6 points)

For this step you will be identifying the foods in your three day diet diary that provided specific nutrients.

Step 6: Written Analysis (12 points)

Based on all the reports and worksheets you should be able to do a good analysis of your diet. This written analysis should be a minimum of 2 pages long and include the following details:

1. What influences your food choices? Give examples from the three days you recorded. Explain how these influences can be positive or negative.

2. How many ounces of fluids did you consume each day? This number you will need to add up yourself from your three-day diet diary. How does this number compare to the recommendations of 48-64 oz. per day? Are there changes you should make to your fluid choices?

3. My Plate Plan: How did your diet compare with the recommendations for you? Consider each food group and your intake from each – is it appropriate? List at least three foods you could add or change to improve your My Plate intake.

4. Calories Report: how did your calorie intake compare to the amount My Plate, cronometer or your calculations recommended for you? Consider weight loss or maintenance goals. Are you happy with your kcal intake and your activity level? What changes do you think need to be made? Give examples and be specific.

5. Macronutrient Report: How does your percentage of kcals compare to the targets/recommendations for you? (Cronometer report) List at least three foods you would add/change/delete to improve these percentages. Also look at your fiber intake. Does it meet the recommendations of 25-35 grams per day? How will you improve on that number?

6. Nutrition Report: how does your individual nutrient intake compare to the RDA standards? Focus on nutrients where your intake did not meet needs (<90% of RDA) and ones that you over- consumed (>110% of RDA). List at least three foods you would add/change/delete to improve these percentages. Use your text book to find food sources of each nutrient.

7. Summarize your analysis and list three measurable, attainable goals to improve your diet. For example: Fiber = 6.6grams/day this is WAY below the recommendations. Do not list your goal as “add more fiber to my diet. Do list specific foods that you would actually be willing to eat! “Add whole wheat bread to my breakfast at least 4 days a week” or “Add 1 cup of broccoli to my dinner at least once per week”.

Submission of Diet Analysis Assignment:

You will need to turn in your assignment electronically. Submit through Blackboard or Send attachments (word or pdf) to [email protected]. If you send an e-mail, make sure you get a response within 24 hours that the assignment was received. You can break up the files into 2 e-mails if they are large. The Madonna e-mail system will reject large files and zip files.

Assignment Checklist:

Three day diet diary

MyPlate worksheets with page two filled out

Completed Energy and Protein Worksheet

Three day average cronometer nutrient report

Completed Nutrient source worksheet

Written Analysis



Diet Diary Worksheet





STEP 1 Day (circle one): 1 2 3

* Indicate why you chose to eat at that time- hunger, boredom, social setting, etc.

Energy and Protein Needs Worksheet

Step 3


Weight = ______ pounds divided by 2.2 = _____ kg


Height = _______ inches X 2.54 = __________cm


Age = ___________ years


Gender: ___________


1. Energy Needs


Use the Mifflin St Joer Calculation. Show your work.


For Men : 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x Age + 5 =RMR

For Women : 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x Age – 161 = RMR







To determine estimated energy needs, multiply the RMR x activity factor (AF).

AF = 1.3 for sedentary, 1.6 for active and up to 1.8 for VERY active.



RMR _____ x AF ______ = ___________ Kcal Needs/day for weight maintenance



2. Protein Needs:


_______kg X 0.8 grams protein/kg = ___________ grams protein per day



3. Comparison of Estimation Techniques:


  Energy (kcals) Protein (grams)
Mifflin St Joer and .8 grams/kg    


My Plate  







Nutrient Source Worksheet

Step 5




For each day identify at least two foods that you consumed which contributed significant amounts to your daily intake of the following nutrients. If you have no foods providing the nutrient there would be a zero in your chronometer print outs. Use the text if you are having a hard time finding food sources.




Sodium Iron Calcium Folate Fiber Saturated Fat















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