Frameworks For Professional Nursing Practice

After reading Chapter 2 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab),  please answer the following questions.  Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply  to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post.  Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

1.  There is a wide variety of perspectives and frameworks from which to practice nursing.  After reading the various framework and theories presented,  which most closely matches your beliefs? Please explain why?

2.  After reading the Nurse of the future: Nursing core competencies on page 84, please describe how you plan to apply these 10 core competencies into your daily Nursing practice.  Please be sure to address all 10 competencies and give specific examples.

Here is the post of another student that i have to reply.


  1. There is a wide variety of perspectives and frameworks from which to practice nursing.  After reading the various framework and theories presented. Which most closely matches your beliefs? Please explain why?

While all perspectives and frameworks center on patient care, I identify mostly with Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory. Virginia Henderson was known as the modern Nightingale. She created a definition for nursing that places emphasis on returning a patient to the optimal conditions after treatment, thus covering the medical needs while ensuring that the patient is able to lead a life as independently as possible.

Virginia Henderson’s theory addresses 14 components that encompass human needs. Her definition of our role is to substitute and complement (Ahtisham, Jacoline 2015) while always fostering independence. This makes a great point because nursing care is temporary and allowing patients to return to their previous state and care for themselves is the best outcome of any therapy.

I’m personally drawn to this theory because I believe that although it was created many years ago, the essence of nursing was apparent then to Henderson as it is to me as a nurse today. I believe in the importance of providing care that involves the patient, takes into consideration previous status and encourages patients to be active participants in their care. This is a great way to fortify their experience and achieve positive results. Taking into consideration the physical and the psychosocial components of a person’s life and how that affects care, Henderson’s theory sets out to care for all the patient’s needs.

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