Nursing administration application and data sets
The Master’s Team
Adelphi University
Nursing administration application and data sets
Topics of nursing administration, apps, software and data sets used by nurse mangers were discussed by the members of the Nursing On, Golden Panthers and Shared Vision teams. Members of the Shared Vision team presented examples and shared their personal experience with using software and apps for quality improvement in nursing administration. Benefits, use, and shortcomings of this technology were described. Golden Panthers and Nursing On teams’ members identified and described data sets used in nursing administration and management. Examples of their use and efficacy were discussed, and real-life scenarios were provided to illustrate data sets practical applications. All team members received a follow-up feedback on their posts from the members of the other teams. The majority of the posts reflects the enormous significance of technology in nursing administration and management.
Keywords: apps, software, data set, administration, nursing management
In order to successfully manage modern, complicated health care service delivery, nurse administrators, need to collect, organize, interpret and implement various information, data sets, metrics and statistics. There are many technological tools helping nurse administrators to manage information systems and achieve optimal patients` safety and best outcomes of clinical services. Tools such data mining software allows for sorting through databases, discovering useful patterns in data sets, such as re-hospitalizations, adverse events, staff`s turnout, length of interventions, and many more relevant data (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018). Additionally, there is a multitude of the applications developed to help nurse administrators, as well as staff nurses, to manage information, organize their schedule, support decision making and guiding through the administrative tasks. The production of the medical and nursing apps is growing, but it is largely unregulated (Boulos, Brewer, Karimkhani, Buller & Dellavalle, 2014). Although these applications are very useful, nurse administrators need to make sure that they are using appropriate tools in their managerial tasks.
Method: Participants
Three students` teams participating in the Nursing Informatics and Advanced Nursing Practice course, contributed their initial posts to the discussion about nurse administrations` data sets and applications. Nursing On and Golden Panthers teams focused on data sets, while Shard Vision team focused on the issue of applications used in nursing administration. The initial posts were contributed by 13 students, while the rest of the class followed up with the responses, feedback and comments based on the initial posts.
Assessments and Measures:
The students were expected to answer question accurately, provide examples and real-life scenarios, and use in- text citations and references. Their posts were formatted using APA style.
As technology continues to evolve, the healthcare industry must upgrade their systems to retain a competitive advantage and ability to access information, collect data, and integrate it to their daily operations. Information is continuously shared amongst stakeholders in the internal and external environments of the organization. The internal environment includes organizational departments, management, employees, and, of course, the patients themselves. The external environment includes governmental and other regulatory agencies, as well as the public sector, the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, financial institutions and other health care providers and institutions. Various data management tools and applications exists and help nurse administrators in manage all necessary information.
Nursing applications:
Organizations need interoperable systems for easy access and retrieval of data by stakeholders in each of these environments. Healthcare organizations have a variety of clinical and administrative information systems. These systems collect, process, and distribute patient data in continuing care. Each of these systems has its own functions aimed at providing information to clinicians and administrators. At every level, patient care and patient safety is the single more important factor. Information has to be up to date and accurate and all systems must have security measure put in place to protect patients’ rights and privacy.
The following are types of healthcare organization systems that are being utilized in the market: a) case management information systems, b) communication systems, c) core business systems, d) clinical information system, e) order entry systems, and f) patient care support systems (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018).
Case management information systems identify the resources, patterns and variances in care to prevent costly complications related to chronic conditions and to enhance overall outcomes for patients (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018). The case management systems have a common tool called “the care plan” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018). Communications systems are the electronic devices used by clinicians, managers and administrators to enhance the flow of communication. Some common forms of communication devices are hospital emails, beeper, telephones and pagers. For at home care, patient tracking (Kennedy, Taylor, Spachos, 2018) is also a new form of provider/patient care, especially useful for the care of the elderly, dementia and Alzheimer’s patients.
Core business systems enhance administrative tasks within healthcare organizations while clinical information systems focus on providing direct patient care and support the management of healthcare within the organization. Examples of core business systems include: a) admission, discharge and transfer systems, b) financial systems, c) acuity systems and d) scheduling systems. Order entry systems are utilized by physicians to place orders in the system for patient care. Patient care support systems focus on collecting data and disseminating information related to direct care such as electronic health records (EHR), pharmacy, and radiology and laboratory information systems.
There are new apps and constant updating of old apps being utilized to help managers and administration for easy delivery of care. Some examples provided by the Shared vision group are: a) Qventus, b) Nursegrid, c) Davis drug guide, d) teletracking system, e) practice studio, f) eVisit, g) ARALOC, h) AdvancedMD and i) Gemba boards. These are just a few of the applications being utilized by administration to have a seamless flow of delivery of care.
Qventus. (2018). is an artificial intelligence (AI) based software platform for healthcare enterprise. The main function of Qventus is to solve operational challenges. This software comes at a time when health systems are under pressure to provide quality care while minimizing costs. This has proven to be a great challenge. Maintaining efficiency operations of health systems and minimizing operational costs cannot come at the expense of patient care. This is where Qventus is the most valuable. The software is triggering change in healthcare because it has a unique way of harnessing data to drive real-time action. It has the capability to monitor data, analyze it in real-time and provide a desirable course of action for all end users (Qventus, 2018).
Other systems have yet to optimize operations under a low-cost maintenance budget. Qventus optimizes patient flow by increasing emergency department throughout, predicting surges, expediting admissions, reducing LOS and escalating to system level (Qventus, 2018). These functions reveal the dedication that Qventus has in improving patient outcomes and improving healthcare efficiency.
To optimize clinical operations, Qventus relies on the following applications: a) Qventus Pathfinder, b) Qventus Mission Control Center and c) Qventus Insights. Qventus Pathfinder is reliable for planning and making forecasts. Formulating plans with patients is a priority. Qventus Mission Control Center minimizes the cognitive burden for the frontline staff and improves patient flow across departments (Qventus, 2018). Qventus Insights provides real-time feedback and information to increase time productivity when retrieving information. All these aspects of Qventus help in optimizing patient outcomes.
Data sets for nurse managers and administrators:
The healthcare business is always looking for ways to improve the quality of care given, while saving money. Chief nursing officer (CNO) and managers are always looking for ways to stay on budget. The integration of computer systems and programs that simplify the job of data collection and interpretation has made it possible to be more accurate in creating better strategies in healthcare, creating and allocating resources, patient and staff safety, and better reimbursement for care. Performance improvement, quality indicators, and evidence-based practice data are analyzed and used to improved care. For example, falls and central line infection rates are collected, measured, and compared against other hospital units and national rates, and the patient identification bracelet is used for identification as well as for a method of charging the patient for the care rendered. The CNO then can allocate the resources for each unit, and the manager can break down the budget to better suit their unit, by collecting and reviewing the performance improvement data. Nursing is a teamwork profession, and it is most evident in terms of what takes to run a hospital smoothly, from a CNO making decisions that affect the patients and the nurses directly responsible for the care of those patients. Policies and modalities of care need to be implemented by competent people in charge that know how to interpret and use the readily available data.
Electronic health records have transformed the medical profession and nursing in particular. Nursing documentation via electronic transfer of information has made it possible for EHR and other tools to support “evidence-based” (O’brien, Weaver, Hook, Ivory, 2015) care across the spectrum of health care. There is an ever changing and ever evolving need to efficiently document patient care and make it available to the patient, other health care professionals and with the patient’s permission, to engage in consultations. The goal is for a “seamless” (O’brien, Weaver, Hook, Ivory, 2015) workflow that supplies correct information to all parties to make informed, evidence-based decisions for patients.
Patient advocacy remains at the forefront of the nursing mission and best care practices. As nurses, we want to avoid a “date rich, but information poor” (O’brien, Weaver, Hook, Ivory, 2015) situation that compiles information but does not learn from the data. Interaction with patients remains the number one, best way to understand how to deliver care. Compiling the information learned into a system of easy and instant access is only a means to that end. Using organizational data to create a retrospective tool that supports decisions on health care and improves administrative decision making should be the goal for a healthcare facility. The ability to share sensitive patient information between departments within an institution definitely improves the work flow. The ability to share that same sensitive patient information between institutions (with the patient’s knowledge and consent) can work well in the patient’s favor to get those needed second and even third opinions before venturing long distances to see specialists.
Boulos M.,N ., Brewer, A., Kiarimkhani, C., Buller, D., & Dellavolle,R. (2014). Mobile medical and health apps: state of the art, concerns, regulatory control and certification. Online Journal of Public Health Information, 5 (3), p.229.
Kennedy, B., Taylor, G. W., & Spachos, P. (2018, March). BLE Beacon Based Patient Tracking
in Smart Care Facilities. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops) (pp. 439-441). IEEE.
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge, Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
O’brien, A., Weaver, C., Hook, M. L., & Ivory, C. H. (2015). EHR documentation: the hype and the hope for improving nursing satisfaction and quality outcomes. Nursing administration quarterly, 39(4), 333-339.
Qventus. (2018). Patient flow – optimizing health system operations. Retrieved from