In adult intensive care patients, does nursing hand-off that involves the patient and family member compared to hand-off that only involves nurses improve nursing or clinician satisfaction with communication?
The lack of standardization of information shared during end of shift report or “handoff” in the intensive care unit often leads to inaccurate exchange of information. Without some standardization of what are pertinent issues and significant negatives, patient care is inconsistent and the results can be dissatisfaction among patient care staff, patient family members, and at times catastrophic for the patient. This is identified by the Joint Commissions as a need for improvement nationwide on hospital inpatient. National Patient Safety Goals (NPSB) includes improving the effectiveness of communication among caregivers in 2018 (Joint Commission, 2018). Handoff is defined as the transfer and acceptance of responsibility for patient care that is achieved through effective communication (Halm, 2013).
Population (P): Adult patients in intensive care unit
Intervention ( I ): nursing handoff in patient room and involve patient and family member at the end of shift
Comparison ( C ): Standard practice – nurse hand off report at the nursing station
Outcomes ( O ): better care collaboration and comprehension of patient, patient safety and satisfaction
Time ( T ): within the length of ICU stay
The Joint Commission. (2018). The National Patient Safety Goals. Retrieved February 06, 2018 from
Halms, M. A. (2013). Nursing handoffs: Ensuring safe passage for patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 22(2), 158-161